5 Reasons Why You Need To Choose A DCSA-Compliant DaaS Vendor

We need unified and efficient communication in the supply chain industry – And GateHouse Maritime helps you with that!

What the supply chain looks like when NOT using DCSA standards

When companies do not use DCSA standards, several challenges can arise in the supply chain, including:

  • Lack of standardization: Different carriers and logistics providers may have varying processes and data formats, making it difficult to integrate and exchange data between them. This can lead to errors, delays, and increased costs.
  • Poor visibility: Without a standardized way to collect and share data across the supply chain, getting real-time insights into the location and status of shipments can be challenging. This can lead to poor visibility and difficulty in tracking cargo, which can cause delays and increase the risk of lost or damaged goods.
  • Increased manual effort: Non-standardized data formats may require manual data entry, leading to a higher risk of errors and delays. This can be particularly problematic for high-volume transactions, resulting in significant inefficiencies and increased costs.
  • Lack of interoperability: When different systems and processes cannot communicate effectively, it can be challenging to collaborate with partners and stakeholders across the supply chain. This can make it difficult to respond quickly to changing customer needs and market conditions.

Overall, the lack of standardization in the supply chain can result in inefficiencies, higher costs, and poor customer service, making it essential for companies to adopt DCSA standards to optimize their logistics operations.

DCSA ensures better visibility

Recent surveys show that cargo visibility was the number one priority for shippers, and 70% would change their service provider to get better cargo visibility. The DCSA covers all three aspects needed for cargo visibility: Transport, equipment, and shipment journey.

Some carriers are already compliant, but there is still a long way to go, and there is still room for interpretation when aligning to a standard like DCSA. In GateHouse Maritime, we adapt all events, regardless of carrier, lane, or event type.

5 Reasons why you need to choose a DCSA-compliant DaaS vendor?

At GateHouse Maritime, we chose to follow the DCSA standard because it provides several benefits for our customers. For us, following the DCSA standard is part of delivering good data quality.

The list below contains the benefits for your client system or our adaption to following the DCSA:

  • It is designed by carriers with many years of experience in the industry. It uses maritime logistics terms, so It’s easy to understand and adapt to our API since every data event is aligned similarly.
  • It’s easy to integrate our data because everything looks the same; we have unified many different data formats and are enriching data where data might be missing– No matter the Carrier! 
  • Adding a new carrier to the customer’s track-and-trace solution is easy. It’s just yet another carrier providing data in the exact same way as the one before, even for adding Carriers not following DCSA.
  • Since DCSA is technology agnostic, you can use the data regardless of platform or technology. 
  • Since industry leaders make the standard, there is a lot of knowledge and power behind it. Maritime and logistics terms are already aligned. It would simply be stupid to invent your proprietary standard.

To sum up: 

It’s easy to understand, integrate and maintain an integration towards a DCSA-compliant platform such as OceanIO. No matter the carrier, no matter the technology!

Standards alone are not that interesting, but following these will improve your business by reducing waste, cutting costs, and ensuring consistency. It’s proved that standards improve customer satisfaction and increase sales.

We need unified and efficient communication in the supply chain industry – Regardless of the underlying technology, process, or platform. Efficient digitalization should be standardized to be efficient and sustainable. In GateHouse Maritime, we say: Let’s speed up the digitalization, reduce technology costs and boost innovation! Following the DCSA standard is sure to help us all in the right direction!

Kim Bøjlund

Kim Bøjlund

Product Manager
GateHouse Maritime

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